Sunday, March 15, 2009

the rain came down

its raining outside. but harder inside of me. theres so much i cant make sense of, so much i want to understand and deal with. why is everything so distant today?

today, now, more than ever, i miss ammas hugs. the warmth that comes with it is like collapsing into a pile of cotton. except its cottony on the outside and rock solid on the inside. i can always depend on her. to make sense of things, to face the world in all its manic splendour. to deal with reality. face it and come out smiling.


Anonymous said...

yes MAAM!!! i full to full agree means i agree only.!
SIGHHH... home is so far away!.

Revati Upadhya said...

its not. its just 15 days away daa :) come to mama!