Saturday, December 25, 2010

random musings

its december. for some reason christmas time, of all reasons, made me TERRIBLY homesick. i dont know if its a combination of feelings that have been piling up for a while, or what it was really, but homesickness has sure hit home this holiday season.

to remember the city i miss, the home i miss, the people i miss, im sharing a picture i took in december (same time of year) 2 years ago.

in other news. A LOT is happening. A LOT is happening in my head. thoughts dying to be articulated and crafted into nice long blog posts. but theres a lethargy that has set in. work has been up and down and long days have set in. so much so that when i come home in the evening, i cant stand to turn on the laptop. which is why i havent been able to blog and keep up with everything i want to blog about. my head is bubbling with incomplete drafts. its annoying!

the lethargy im talking about has crept in so deep that i didnt exercise all week. i didnt even cook all week. that amounts to one long week of eating all meals out and getting no exercise to burn it off..fat load of good its going to do for me. yes, the emphasis was on *fat*.

on the bright side iv had the priviledge of discovering lots of humble, un-fancy local foods. fish curry rice at some smaller cheaper more authentic joints, the wonder that is the fish thaali and the amazing world of rass omlette straight out of the road side cart!

i have been so lazy, that i left my packing for the wedding undone till 7 hours prior to the bus leaving. for someone as pre-planned and organized as me, thats MADNESS. so lethargic i was that i left my visit to the parlour till 24 hours prior to leaving goa. and on christmas eve, that was me being very optimistic. the result? a 45 minute wait till someone got some time to pay attention to me, and a 30 minute slot to get what i needed to, done. irony of ironies.

so we leave for hyderabad this evening. and i just dont want to go. im not looking forward to the wedding craziness. im not looking forward to having to be prim and proper and dressed up. im not looking forward to being a show piece. and im not looking forward to the socialization. ah well. go i will.

see you on the other side of the weekend.


rajesh singh kshatri said...

nice post.

PeeVee said...

excellent picture!! and congrats on your new job :)

Unknown said...

haffunatthewedding :)

Meher said...

If its hyderabad, escape from the wedding and go about the city. Its beautiful.

Killer Drama said...

lovely picture love the colors!