Friday, December 10, 2010

feni fridays freakiness

this is on repeat. it has been for a while.
i dont know if its because its because its friday night. or perhaps its because im just feeling cheesy and all. or maybe because i havent eaten any carbs all day. or maybe its just the uncontrollable punju-ness. or maybe its the association..but this one just makes me want to do the punju shoulder move.

theres something just so happy and joyful about this song. the video makes me want to wear wedding clothes and go to a nice fancy wedding and dance my ass off.

anyhoo, i think i have resorted to video posting because i feel like im bursting with energy and with things to say. the thoughts arent keeping pace with the forces that be and help me process and make sense of them. theyre racing out and away from me before i can put them down. too much has happened and much has been felt and far too much felt like it needed to be blogged about.

but. yes theres always a but, isnt there?
its been the first week of work. the first since march 2010. and seeing as how my life has drastically changed since then, and slipped into rolling weeks of timeless days of meandering, this new routine has kicked my butt big time. so i have decided to go easy on myself and not put unnecessary pressure on myself to blog as i feel i should.

so until i find time and more importantly, the mindspace to make a sensible post, please accept and deal with my bouts of madness. my random cheesy music videos. telegraphic posts and all things unacceptable in blogdom.

its been a fairly fantastic week. despite the madness and completely torrential routine. awesome would describe it well.

now im off to nurse my feni. its feni friday.
and im afraid im turning into a convert. but im so willingly let it happen, its ridiculous.



nil said...

god I know EXACTLY what you mean about the song! I do the mistake of listening to it once.. and thats it! it's on my repeat of for the rest of the day.. !

yep go easy on urself girl! :) we are all here, and listening :)

Pooja said...

hey thatt guirl - amritha- is a friend of mine. This was her debut movie. I like the song too n I understand the shoulder shake too :)

Revati Upadhya said...

if only i knew who you are, pooja :)