Friday, June 12, 2009

pffft..thats me letting out some steam

heres an update of some recent, some insignificant, some current, some past developments in the recent past..
first, work is becoming increasingly challenging. not just in terms of the writing, but in terms of managing projects, spreading myself thin, keeping my head straight so i can think straight without losing it.. its been a stretching 2 weeks since i got back from SA. or maybe it just felt like a stretch because it took me so long to get back to the groove. anyhoo, from juggling a million tasks at once, to thinking of a/v scripts, to learning to put my foot down, watching liers come out successful..its been a trying 2 weeks for poor ol me.
second, i have a cartload of pictures piled up from the trip to goa and the week i spent in SA. theyre jus there. sitting. piling. waiting an wanting to be edited. to be seen. but i havent gotten down to doing any of it. because, my laptop is fucked up, i need to use the macbook to edit them, and because i just havent had enough time to do so much, leave alone sit in some peace and quiet and sort through my pictures. and it makes me feel a bit like shit.
third, i wish i owned my own 17-135 zoom lens. that way id have nicer pictures. wider pictures. richer pictures. that way i wouldnt have to shuffle cameras and forget what pictures were really mine to begin with. time to reopen that personal acquisiton fund.
fourth, iv further strengthened my belief in tha fact that i am no good at the corporate rat race. that i dont understand the unstated, unless it is obviously spelt out to me. i dont understand powerplay. and i dont understand how i need to deal with insignificant people who constantly try to push their agenda on you.
fifth, ak and pa are officially getting engaged tomorrow. in delhi. and im awfully sad that i cant be there. it just doesnt feel right that im missing such a big development in the lives of 2 people that we have been so closely associated with. all the best you two..i'll miss not being around. sorely.
thats it for now. over and out. thank god its friday.

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