its still hard to believe he is no more. its still difficult to normalize.
Sent from my Nokia phone
Sent from my Nokia phone
Sent from my Nokia phone
Sent from my Nokia phone
its really got me thinking.
when did i start caring what people think?
when did clothes and hair and skin start taking so much importance in my life?
when did i choose to dress according to who im going out with, rather than
what im comfortable in?
when did i start altering myself, even if so slightly, for fear of what someone else will think?
when did i begin to taint my own thoughts and beliefs under the influence of what someone else once told me?
the real me is still there, however. covered in the dust of what im told, what i hear and what i so easily let myself believe, i need a good shake. so the dusty outside is shaken off, and the good old me can shine through.
wish me luck!
Sent from my Nokia phone
if you're feeling monday-morning-bluesy like i am, chase them nasty feelings away with this video..
guaranteed to make you happy. very happy.