Tuesday, January 22, 2008

random rant

i need to rant and i have nowhere to do it. so here goes:
im disappointed. im disillusioned. but deep down i know it will pass. i just wish i knew my way through this confusion.

im also happy. and satisfied in a sense. but thats not about all of my life in general.

my life at the moment: close to perfect. a loving family, despite all my tantrums and dramatic interjections, they're always supportive. and though i seldom see it, never acknowledge it, NEVER appreciate it. i know im super lucky. and i know im ungrateful. if i am where i am today, its because they've always supported and let me do my thing, almost no questions asked.

personally: peachy. i couldnt ask for anything more. theres a happy high and a slumping low every now and then, but its all for the best. i dont know where i get this unshaking faith and belief that things always work out in the end. and if its not alright, well then it just isnt the end. so i wait. and i wait quite happily.

socially: just enough. happily adequate. countable few friends that i enjoy the company of. online and in person. im happy, entertained, intellectually stimulated, cared for and all in all its just a jolly good time.

professionally: confusing and directionless, but im hanging in there.

on my mind at the moment: is my life going to be one constant quest to find the nicest place to work? a place thats just the right combination of interesting work balanced with mentoring, guidance and rigour? a place thats organised and information flows so as to make everyones life easy? or should i stop asking questions, zone it all out and function on auto pilot? because this is the truth everywhere?

theres enough happiness doing the rounds in my life at the moment. i need to zone out the crap and focus on the good juju. and i need to do it starting NOW.


Arjun Kartha said...

Good juju, good vibe, good mojo everything!

Like I said, remember the song...

hands up, baby hands up,
something something something

hands up, baby hands up,
something something something

HAATHI ne HAATH upar kiya kya?

Ajeya said...

great to read another post... keep ranting I say! :)

akshay said...

chah. you call this a rant?

my life is perfect. great. couldn't ask for more.

you should learn how to rant.

Vivek Chugh said...

Whats a juju supposed to be re?

Vivek Chugh said...

What about the other good thing thats going for you at this moment?

akshay said...

somethings missing, innit?